Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How redneck is that?

J decided that we needed a mule so to get a mule you need a mare (check) and a Jack donkey. Well it just so happens that the neighbor has one. Now we know why there are few mules. Jackson the donkey was worse than a rooster in your bedroom. He would bray at all hours of the day and night and it was the longest, loudest bray I have ever heard, ok so I haven't heard that many. Well after about 2 weeks and not a sign of studleyness this is how he went home. our friend R on the 4wheeler, J turned dragging the donkey, P on his bike with a stick hitting him to get him moving. That is why it is so big to be sure that you can see the whole picture.
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Shanda said...

That is hilarious!! Love it!

Janetlee said...

Too funny. I love it!

Hayley said...

That is sooo funny! :)