Tuesday, March 24, 2009

7 days?

Another week has passed. Another dr visit. I'm still scheduled for next Tuesday. They tell me that once my body recognizes that it is in labor it will go fast. I'm just alittle leery bcause this is two weeks earlier than I have had a baby. The dr gave us a little scare. He said that doesn't feel like a head down there. Lets do an ultrasound and make sure. Well the baby (boy for sure) was in the correct position. Huge relief. Now I just keep reminding myself it could be three weeks rather than one, be tough, endure, enjoy the journey, be patient, grin and bear it, be grateful that you can have kids, enjoy those movements they will be gone soon, need I go on. Needless to say I am very ready to exchange my aches and pains in for new and different ones. I can't wait to feel that first twinge of labor pain. I get to this point and I like to count down for some wierd reason it makes the time go faster. Only one more Sunday, one more laundry day (probably not), one more babysitting day plus a few hours, one more week of sleepless nights (haha I know this is just the begining) but maybe atleast when I lay down I can sleep. Blah, blah blah I will stop. I am excited to meet this new addition and move to the next phase. We did get a carseat Thanks to all who offered theirs. Have a good day.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Really, could it be?

I went to the Dr. today. He asked if I wanted to set my induction date. Yes do you think I'm wiling to just let nature take its slow course again? No, not if I have anything to do with it. We are having a baby on March 31st or so I hope. I'm still hoping for that miracle of miracles in that i just go into labor on the 26th ( our kids are out of school from Fri to next Thurs) have a baby all natural. I believe in positive thinking but its just not even possible at all, so we will stick with the plan. Interesting thing my blood pressure was high and since I switched Drs. it has been normal. One other thing I called to check on our carseat, it is too old. Would anyone be willing to let us rent a carseat for a year. I don't want to buy a new one because I think (strongly) that this is our last. Does Once upon a child sell them and do I trust them if they do? Any other ideas? 19 days and slowly but enthusiastically counting.