Monday, September 22, 2008

Our oldest

Our spotlight would not be complete if I didn't share about Carter. I wanted to post pictures but I ( imagine this) can't figure out how to scan them in. Sorry. He was born Mar. 2, 1997. He was born with Down syndrome and about 40% of kids with Downs have heart problems. He had many heart surgeries. The first starting at 9 days and then 6 months, 7 months, 3 years. The 3 year surgery he had his mitral valve replaced with a titanium valve. He was very very sick for a long time and was on the ventilater for about 4 weeks. We were in Denver at the time which is an awesome childrens hospital. From there I flew to CA to live with J parents hoping we could return to CO. Well it never happened and J moved to CA. C also had eye muscle surgery, tonsils and adnoids removed, pneumonia a few times requiring hospital stays. He was on oxygen most of his life and enough meds to have a medicne cabinet with his name all over it. That is some of the depressing medical parts of his life, but he didn't know any different. He loved life and was so happy all the time. He had to have blood draws every week and he was so tough he would just put his arm out and rarely cried. He never talked so we signed to him and he signed back but he understood everything we said. I think he really understood alot more than we did about alot of things. He loved to look at the childrens friend magazine and would find the pictures of Jesus Christ and sign Jesus. He loved Primary songs. He loved cheetos and hotdogs, broccoli and water. He was tube fed for 2 years so we think that he didn't know the joy food could bring and it was a fight. And with all the meds his mouth was fried of taste buds. When he did eat it was very strong flavors, salsa, garlic, chips, lemon juice, ketchup, mustard. Well this is getting long so I will wrap it up here soon. He was happy. He loved to have J come home everynight that was the highlight. He would play and talk his jibberish and love his dad to pieces. He passed away on June 14, 2002 in my arms. We miss him but are so grateful that we got to enjoy him as long as we did. Well I guess that is all of our spotlights or is it?


mom said...

what about you?

Kylene said...

Are you announcing something here???

(What a darling post. You and J are such great parents. Thanks for being the great examples that you are.)

Janetlee said...

Ashlee, I can show you how to scan in pictures if you would like.

Sam said...

Um Ashlee are you just going to leave us hanging like that. I think it takes an extremely special son and daughter of our Heavenly Father to be able to endure, accept and glorify in these tough trials, I know you and I have a tremendous full heart knowing you. You are definately special to me and I can't wait for us to hold our boys when we return to them. Now you need to post about you.

The Hammers said...

Is it???? Is there something you're not telling us? We want to know!

Christina said...

That was so sweet! I would LOVE to hear an even more detailed version of that special child I never got to meet...someday maybe. Cute background & look at that ticker! Congrats! Hope you are feeling okay!

MJ said...

Carter is soooo very lucky to have you guys as parents. What a joy to have such a perfect child in your home-that shows what type of people you are to have had that experience. What a joyful day when you get to be together again! Thanks for your always great example and encouragement! Hayley

Sam said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! HOw are you feeling? You definately were sneaky with this news. By the way cute background. If you need anything let me know I am not very far away...

The Hammers said...

I knew it! I think I know you too well. I knew before you even told me. Congrats! I'm happy for ya. That's awesome!

Nikell said...

Loved looking at your blog--and, I about fell off my chair when I saw the little time counter at the top! Congrats!!! You guys are such awesome people and have so much to offer new little spirits. Good luck with the pregnancy--let me know if you need anything. Carter sounds like such a special little guy--you've been through so much!!!

Becca and Jared Anderson said...

Wow--I can't imagine losing a child. It is heartbreaking to think about. What a sweet little boy. I wish I could have met him.

I immediately noticed the little baby counter. . .YEAH!!!!! GOOD FOR YOU!!!! I hope you are feeling alright. Pregnancy can be so---sigh :) But worth it---

TimandBecckaMarley said...

You didnt tell me anything!!!! Geez. I see how it is LOL. Anyway I love the spotlights. They are too cute. I had that same ticker on my myspace page..its really cute!! Congrats