Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Just a couple a funny stories
This chicken jumped over the fence right on to Moes neck. She let her rest there for about 30 minutes and then she just shook her head until she flew off. If you have been to my house you know that the driveway is alittle goofy but come on FEDEX its not this bad. Really, he delivered, left so I thought and a few minutes later I noticed a van driving all over our lawn, good thing its frozen. He must have got a little crooked went into the rocks and didn't feel them or the three foot drop? Whatever. He did make some big holes in the rocks but other than that not too bad, but come on its not that difficult. Merry Christmas. We are enjoying this time of year and hope you are too.
Monday, November 9, 2009
It is November?
I just downloaded my pictures from summer and fall. Can you believe how slow I am? Can you believe its November? I really thought about blogging but never got around to it. So why the picture of the rooster. Cause he was the only thing on my camera that wasn't severly out of date. B from June. That was 4 months ago he has doubled in weight, a cute D hairdo, she got it cut and permed and no I haven't even taken pictures. Wow I know that I say this all the time but time flies when you are having fun. We must be having more than fun because I don't know where time goes. So let me take this oppurtunity to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, Meryy Christmas, and a Happy New Year. And a Happy Valentines Day just because.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
How redneck is that?
J decided that we needed a mule so to get a mule you need a mare (check) and a Jack donkey. Well it just so happens that the neighbor has one. Now we know why there are few mules. Jackson the donkey was worse than a rooster in your bedroom. He would bray at all hours of the day and night and it was the longest, loudest bray I have ever heard, ok so I haven't heard that many. Well after about 2 weeks and not a sign of studleyness this is how he went home. our friend R on the 4wheeler, J turned dragging the donkey, P on his bike with a stick hitting him to get him moving. That is why it is so big to be sure that you can see the whole picture.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
love these kids
J has been gone this week so this was something to do to break up the week. Our neighbor has this great fence and area where we love to take pictures. And finally M cooperated. Yeah. we have very few pictures that she is not cheesy or turned around or whatever. It was a good picture day for all, even mom hardly had to get mad. Welcome summer it is about time.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Branding, cows to hills
We helped brand calves and take cows to the hills. P was riding Copper and he got in some nice warm dirt and rolled. P was a little freaked out I made him get back on and then get off after a while and then a few miles down the road he was ready to ride again. Yeah. J and I took turns driving and riding it worked really well when B woke up I fed him and drove and when he was asleep J drove. The kids only wantedd to ride when Dad was. D is the photgrapher of the kids on horses. They branded when B was just a week and a half old so I mostly sat in the van and fed him but I did get to rope a few. It took along time to catch, sorry Tate, because I am so very rusty, but it was fun still. I love springtime for a few of these reasons.
For Grandma
This is a few weeks ago but they were as good as its gonna get for a wahile. This 4 child thing is extremely time consuming, especially when one of them wants to be attached, literally. But I love this new life. I love kissing him, bathing him, just holding him, sometimes most of the day.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Baylor Jon
We welcomed Baylor to our family on March 31st at 3:58pm. He had jaundice and required the blanket for a week, but we are over that bump. He is doing good. He does what a baby is supposed to do eat, poop, cry and sleep. We love him and are so glad that he is here, healthy and happy. Hw weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 211/2 inches long. he takes after me, his shoulders got stuck in my pelvis and required two nurses jumping on my belly to free him. He takes after his dad maybe alittle too in that department.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
7 days?
Another week has passed. Another dr visit. I'm still scheduled for next Tuesday. They tell me that once my body recognizes that it is in labor it will go fast. I'm just alittle leery bcause this is two weeks earlier than I have had a baby. The dr gave us a little scare. He said that doesn't feel like a head down there. Lets do an ultrasound and make sure. Well the baby (boy for sure) was in the correct position. Huge relief. Now I just keep reminding myself it could be three weeks rather than one, be tough, endure, enjoy the journey, be patient, grin and bear it, be grateful that you can have kids, enjoy those movements they will be gone soon, need I go on. Needless to say I am very ready to exchange my aches and pains in for new and different ones. I can't wait to feel that first twinge of labor pain. I get to this point and I like to count down for some wierd reason it makes the time go faster. Only one more Sunday, one more laundry day (probably not), one more babysitting day plus a few hours, one more week of sleepless nights (haha I know this is just the begining) but maybe atleast when I lay down I can sleep. Blah, blah blah I will stop. I am excited to meet this new addition and move to the next phase. We did get a carseat Thanks to all who offered theirs. Have a good day.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Really, could it be?
I went to the Dr. today. He asked if I wanted to set my induction date. Yes do you think I'm wiling to just let nature take its slow course again? No, not if I have anything to do with it. We are having a baby on March 31st or so I hope. I'm still hoping for that miracle of miracles in that i just go into labor on the 26th ( our kids are out of school from Fri to next Thurs) have a baby all natural. I believe in positive thinking but its just not even possible at all, so we will stick with the plan. Interesting thing my blood pressure was high and since I switched Drs. it has been normal. One other thing I called to check on our carseat, it is too old. Would anyone be willing to let us rent a carseat for a year. I don't want to buy a new one because I think (strongly) that this is our last. Does Once upon a child sell them and do I trust them if they do? Any other ideas? 19 days and slowly but enthusiastically counting.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Homade laundry soap and dishwasher soap
I found this great blog iamfrugal.blogspot.com and on it she has homemade soap. I thought I would give it a try. It was so easy to make I bought all my stuff at the local Winco for under $7. She has it all figures out that it is about $.01 per laundry load. Just to be sure it worked it I dirtied two identical rags with the same stuff and let them sit for two days. Ketchup, mustard, chocolate, oil, and permenant maker mostly just so I would know which was which. I washed them both with cold water using my old detergent (cheap winco stuff) and my new stuff. We thought that they were about equal in how much of the stain it brought out. Neither of them touched the oil, the chocolate was clean and the others were still slighly there. So I am using it. It was so easy to make and I have 2 gallons of soap now. The disherwasher detergent uses the same Borax and Super washing soda and it has worked just as well too. If anyone wants to try it before they buy, let me know, but I will charge you that penny that it does cost so this is no freebie. Haha. Check out the blog she has some amazing things on there. Have a good weekend.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Dr. switch
I switched Dr.s a few weeks ago. I like my new dr and do you want to know why? He said the most wonderful thing to me the other day. This is it "I will start you anytime after 39 weeks." All of our kids have been a week over. I always dream of having an on time baby but know that the chances are like haveing twins at the stage. It just isn't going to happen. P was 8lbs 10 oz I fear that this one is big too so my dr said we can start you. Music to my ears. I don't want to be too early that I have a horrible, long delivery but even the due date doesn't sound too bad at this point. We will see how it all plays out sure as I plan I will have him early. Yeah right. Oh well the thought that I could have almost 7 weeks and not almost 9 makes me giddy. I just really need to be patient because who knows what the plan really is, I for sure don't.
Friday, January 30, 2009
14 years of eternity
Ahh love is in the air. We too celebrated an anniversary this week. 14 years. I can't even belive that we have been married that long. Although 14 years of an eternity is not that long. It has gone by so fast I'm sure that the next 14, and then next 14, and the next, and the ... will go even faster as we get busier with growing kids and lives. I love life. I don't know that I ever imagined life could be so great but I have a fantastic husband, good, healthy kids and a wonderful life. My sweet D said "if I could choose any mom in the whole wide world do you know who I would chose?" I was alittle afraid for the anwser but she did say she would chose me. What a relief. I would chose her too as well as the others and even J although I don't know that he would pick me as fast as I would pick him. Maybe it is just pregnancy hormones but I just feel so blessed. I truly do have such a great life with great families, great friends and everything I could ever want or ask for. I can't wait to spend 345,455,454 more years with them.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Winter fun
Friday, January 9, 2009
Free Puppies
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